1.21 Hero Tier List

Update 1.21 is winding down our Summer Season, but there’s still a lot of action playing out on the Halcyon Fold. The race to the top remains competitive in the Lane and Roam roles, with few changes other than a swap here and there. The Jungle, however, has seen some large changes, including the dramatic return of the former “Queen of the Jungle”! We’ve got you covered for the top picks to cement your final Summer matches. Just don’t let Samuel put you to Sleep!




Samuel: From crazy range on his wands (Malice & Verdict) to making his enemies Sleep on command with his ultimate, Samuel can be tough to reach. This edgy teen will do whatever he can to achieve an advantage in a fight. If you can manage to survive his weaker early-game, you’re bound to control the match with your mind. Samuel’s A and B combined offer one of the best harass potentials on the Fold.
Adagio: Although unseen in lower skill-tiers, Adagio serves as a very efficient Laner. Being able to maintain maximum energy without any energy items is a huge +1. You can’t forget healing, empowered basic-attacks, and a rather large ultimate radius with the capability of stunning the entire enemy team.

Pinnacle of Awesome

Vox: Despite struggling with one-on-one fights, Vox is very consistent in the Lane. With 5.0m basic-attack range and 5.0m resonance bounce range, just hope you have an assassin on your team to take him out.

Simply Amazing

Kestrel: Kestrel’s Active Camo always provides her with a decent escape from unexpected ganks. As well, Glimmershot can easily be the best poking tool on the Fold when used right.
SAW: SAW has been a great pick in the past few updates. Mobility isn’t a must on him, allowing damage items to be his first priority.

The Hotness

Skye: Skye remains a solid choice in the Lane or Jungle, and as a bonus, viable as a Weapon or Crystal carry. She’s able to stay at her maximum range while stutterstepping her way to victory.

Credible Threat

Celeste: Despite her continuous changes, Celeste is mid-tier on the Lane list. She counters some Laners well, and thus remains a good situational pick.

Rock Solid

Skaarf: Skaarf has paid long visits to every tier on our meta lists. His damage output is fantastic, but his positioning must be perfect in order to achieve success.
Ringo: While Ringo is a very solid Laner, there are simply better options to choose from. Similar to Skaarf, having no escape is rough!



Koshka: Jumping all the way from the bottom to the top, Koshka is unquestionably the best Jungler right now. Being able to hop in and out of the battle, this fierce kitty is not to be messed with.
Taka: Taka can delete any squishy hero in the matter of seconds. His X-Retsu will “Rekts You” if you don’t have defense. You can’t forget that his A can dodge any and all damage or debuffs while flipping over a target. Who needs a Reflex Block anyway?
Skye: Maintaining her top-tier position for several updates, Skye can maneuver between, in front of, behind, or next to her targets effortlessly. Trap your enemies in your ultimate, and that’s game!

Pinnacle of Awesome

Kestrel: Without minions to body-block her arrows, Kestrel performs well in the Jungle. The vast amount of brush allows for some sneaky Active Camo placement!
Alpha: When you have 3 health bars, what’s stopping you from being the meta? Alpha is a great counter to ranged heroes and even fares well against other Warriors.
Reim: Just because he’s old doesn’t mean he can’t beat the living Meekos out of you with a magical cane! As the ultimate counter to other melee heroes, Reim makes his appearance towards the top of the Jungle list.
Lance: Lance has received several buffs over time, especially to his Weapon path. Roll, root, stun, roll and stun again!
Glaive: Glaive has proven that there’s room for two cats on the Fold! With the best ganking tool and AoE crits, you better think twice before axing him a question.
Krul: Nearly impossible to beat in a one-on-one fight, Krul is dead man with no rush to finishing his kills. Being able to build full defense with one offensive item adds to his madness.

The Hotness

Ozo: Our poor little monkey still remains in partial darkness. Ozo hasn’t been able to find the right mixture of defense and damage, putting him as a huge disadvantage on the Fold.
Blackfeather: Blackfeather hasn’t been doing too well recently. His early-game health is very squishy, and his late-game power spike isn’t as powerful as before.

Credible Threat

Rona: Ever since her downfall in update 1.12, Rona’s kit has been lacking compared to the rest of the hero pool. She’s very easy to kite and relatively squishy throughout the match.
Joule: Joule has slowly slumped down in the meta over time to where she is now. Her perk doesn’t offer her much, and is out-ranged by many of the top heroes.
Petal: Petal… Oh, Petal… Stay in one spot! Despite her slight buff in 1.21, her Munions’ struggle to stay alive and deal consistent damage, truly making her a “Potatal”. One day, Keldegar, one day.


Pinnacle of Awesome

Lyra: Lyra remains head, shoulders and antlers above the competition. The Battle Mage bullies the best of them with the most spammable slow in the game, excellent harass, a debilitating Snare that silences two-thirds of the Fold for an entire two seconds, wacko backdooring portals and an AoE heal/damage/speed boost/vision Sigil that leaves the Lane Celeste feeling a bit insecure about her contribution to the team. There’s so much to Lyra–despite her slight fall in power late game and terrible base defensive scaling. Lyra reigns supreme and maintains her iron grasp of the Roam position through the sheer prowess and utility she dishes out during the early and mid game

Simply Amazing

Phinn: “CAPTAIN! The S.S. SoloQ is sinking!” Fear not–the River Troll is nipping at Lyra’s heels for the number two spot. Great damage output, a thick scaly hide and seemingly never-ending late game hooks reel Phinn into a solid second place Roam pick.
Catherine: Not to be outdone, the Stormguard’s Shield pursues Phinn with her merciless Cooldown builds that will leave your enemies stunned (slow clap, we know that joke has never been used before!).
Lance: Just behind the Shield lies the Polearm; I mean, Lance. Despite his incredible damage output, Lance tends to be punished more than other Roams when he makes even slight mistakes, especially later on in the game when his compensating damage begins to decline.

Worthy Foe

Ardan & Fortress: Nearing the bottom of the Kraken Pit lie Ardan and Fortress. The former feels like his patent on Gauntlet needs to be pressed against Lyra’s Bright Bullshit; the latter feeling like his Netherworld Teeth need some serious flossing. Ardan and Fortress are functional Roams, not diminished in the slightest, but remain outdone by their competition more often than not.

Let us know your thoughts on our 1.21 Hero Tier List! From accuracy to article format, we take all feedback into consideration. Credit to those involved in this Hero Tier List: