Hello and welcome back to Broken Myth’s monthly tier list! Instead of posting the tier list as a post, we’ve moved it to a static page that can be accessed from anywhere on the site via the navigation bar above. You can simply click on “Hero Tier List” and you will be taken to the most recent Broken Myth tier list, or you can click here to be linked directly there. Well, what are you waiting for? Go read it!

Jan 26, 2016 10:07 pmI’m sorry, butI don’t like this new format. I like having a new article come up when the tier list is updated. Also, this means we cannot look at old versions of the tier list. I always loved comparing the old ones with the current one.
Jan 26, 2016 10:20 pmWe will be posting an article every time we update the tier list, actually! We’ll also be pasting old tier lists into their own pages – I’ll see what we can do to make that publicly available, though!
Jan 27, 2016 9:32 pmOk that sounds good! Thanks!