Esports Vainglory News

Winter 2016 NA Championship: Day 2 Preview

After an exciting first day of the Winter 2016 NA Championship (read more about the Day 1 games here), the games for tomorrow are set!

Series 1: Rage Pingers v. Liberation X

1:15 PM PST/4:15 PM EST


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Both Rage Pingers and Liberation X had no qualifying points from the first VGL Qualifier, and only made it to live championships by the skin of their teeth – tomorrow’s games will determine who deserves to stay. Coming in at the eighth seed, team Rage Pingers is a dark horse with talented individuals. However, they haven’t been playing together as long as Liberation X has, and their play definitely isn’t as refined. Both teams seem to like making aggressive moves and high-risk plays, but Broken Myth’s favorite is Liberation X – ttigers’ raw talent will likely outmatch RGP’s.

Series 2: Vertigo Black v. HH Kinetic

2:15 PM PST/5:15 PM EST


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Vertigo Black has been a staple in competitive Vainglory, and their homegrown talent has been playing together for so long that the team often seems to move as one. HH Kinetic also boasts good synergy, but FearPoseidon is going to have to rein in his overaggressive positioning without proper support from his teammates. HHK seems to heavily favor buff comps, so if VGB outdraft HHK by denying them the Adagio pick, VGB will likely have a huge advantage.

Series 3: Team SoloMid v. HH Velocity

3:15 PM PST/6:15 PM EST


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This grudge match will be a must-watch. HH Velocity was the first team in a long while to actually beat Team SoloMid and force them into a third game in the VGL Qualifier, and only lost because of a small but gamechanging mistake as they attempted to push to the win. Tomorrow will decide if HHV has learned from the mistakes they made against TSM in the second qualifier. Will HHV come out on top or will TSM’s superior team experience hold true again? In either situation, expect close and competitive matches.

Series 4: GankStars Sirius v. Nemesis Hydra

4:15 PM PST/7:15 PM EST

GankStars Sirius players gabevizzle and FooJee

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The rivalry between GankStars and Nemesis has been going on since the beginning of time Vainglory. However, since the olden days, FooJee has switched from Nemesis to GankStars, even further deepening the rivalry between the two teams. GankStars Sirius definitely has the advantage with cleaner play, dedicated analysts, as well as a boatload of competitive experience from the VIPL. They’re also less prone to tilting than Nemesis is. However, Nemesis will definitely put up a great fight, and how they perform will likely depend on the momentum they establish in the beginning of the games.

Series 5 & 6: To be determined…

The winners from the Series 1 & 2 will be playing the losers from series 3 & 4 to determine who will stay and who will be eliminated!

Don’t miss these games tomorrow! They’ll be broadcast here starting at 1:00 PM PST (4:00 PM EST)!