Tier Lists 2

Update 1.19 Tier List is Lyr…err Here!

We at Broken Myth debated endlessly over which Gythian Battlemage with horns and an eyeball book deserved to be on top for this updated, and we’re finally satisfied with our decision.

Read on for the full breakdown!


  • ThePirateKing02
    Jul 06, 2016 7:47 pm

    Excellent list per usual Brerman and co. I disagree however with the placing of the roam heroes. In my opinion Phinn is more effective than Lyra because he is unaffected by all of her cc and is the perfect person to nullify her team utility due to his stun and hook combination.

    • ThePirateKing02
      Jul 06, 2016 7:50 pm

      I was also wondering if you are going to update the Top Hero Builds page as it is now 2 patches out of date.