Esports VaingloryLeague

Winter 2016 EU Championship: Day 3 Preview

After another exciting day of the Winter 2016 EU Championship, the semifinals will begin tomorrow. Here is the preview for day 3!

Semifinal 1: Rebirth of Empire vs. Team Secret

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How many times have we seen this matchup in later rounds of tournaments? RoE vs Team Secret is fast becoming a regular fixture in the European Vainglory eSports calendar. The most recent history has seen RoE taking the VMS title by beating TS in the finals, and TS being the victors in the Autumn Live Finals where they beat RoE twice. There is certainly some longstanding rivalry between these teams, and with the introduction of MrKcool, perhaps RoE can start building on their recent success to tilt these meetings more in their favour. They have already had to beat first seed of the entire tournament and will be running on a lot of momentum, especially getting the free 1-0 start for progressing through the winner’s bracket.

Semifinal 2: SNOW Tsunami vs. G2.Kinguin

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SNOW Tsunami are already confident that they have dealt with their toughest opposition in the form of Team Secret, but this false comfort may prove to be their undoing as in reality they are still a minimum of five games away from lifting that coveted winner’s trophy. G2.Kinguin saw one of their two teams progress through to the final four but have had a very tough journey so far and when you compare that to the relatively easier path STsu have taken to get here it may play on their mind. G2 will certainly be a lot happier with their position going into day three when compared to how they approached day two. With two teams sitting on the verge of elimination from the outset, it was an emotionally charged day and hopes will be high going forward.

Grand Finals: To be determined…

The winners from Semifinal 1 & 2 will be playing against each other in the grand finals. Stay tuned to find out who it will be!

Don’t miss these games tomorrow! They’ll be broadcast here starting at 1:00 PM GMT.