
Retaliation Game

Everyone has a bad game now and then. Some people get upset. Some cry, some pout, some yell, some throw things. Me? I get vengeance through what I call a “Retaliation Game”.

Last night I had a SAW on my team go 2-14. The Taka on my team quit at 5-8. I finished 7-9, not an impressive score, but decent considering how much my SAW had fed. The hour was late. It was probably in my best interest to go to sleep, but I couldn’t sleep with that bad taste in my mouth.

I queued for another game, praying to the VG gods that I wouldn’t have another 2:57 queue. My queue popped after roughly 30 seconds. Game on.

I’ve started taking a new path to the middle of the jungle to prevent people from seeing me get into the jungle shop bush. While effective, it does take me slightly longer to get to the middle of the map, so I’ve been shopping faster and moving out of base earlier than before.

I got to the jungle shop and got vision of the enemy team who were moving diagonally across the open to try to take our double camp. 1v1 as Krul I can beat anyone, especially level 1. However, I was out-numbered. I started to kite back to where Adagio was. The enemy Ardan and Krul jumped me, so I turned to start beating on Krul. I knew that if I didn’t stack weakness on him that he’d stack it on me. As soon as I started attacking him he triggered his Spectral Smite and I knew we had won the level 1 engage. I picked up first blood and chased Ardan into his jungle.

We spent the first four minutes reaping the enemy jungle, saving ours for later. I was a nightmare by six minutes into the match. We showed no mercy.

Luckily I still got to bed early because the game was over so soon.

EnvyFD, Kajin323, and RawCell, I’m sorry. This wasn’t about you. It was about vengeance.
