This week in Vainglory News, we have teasers for the next hero Malene, the new Tea Party Petal and Samurai Krul skin, Vainglory Premier League rosters, a free… Continue reading
Tag: Krul
While we wait anxiously for the next season of the Vainglory International Premier League to start up, I got the opportunity to ask Brendan “Valdes” Valdes some interview questions…. Continue reading
Patch 1.7 was released on Tuesday, but I wanted to discuss some of the major and minor changes coming in this patch with a brief breakdown!
Vainglory 1.4.0 Update Review
A new day, a new patch! It seems like yesterday we were trying to assess a massive 1.3.0 update, but SEMC has already pushed out another HUGE release! The… Continue reading
When I started playing Krul I spent most of my time experimenting with items and builds to find one that worked. I never bothered to check the Recommended… Continue reading
Hi there Vainglorians! Today I’m breaking down the 1.3.0 patch to better understand what the changes mean (attack speed reductions? huh?) as well as how the meta looks… Continue reading
A huge stream for news this week. The big news of course: Vox.
[Live] Coverage of the Official Livestream – Vox Reveal Stream (3/27/15) – Check in at 2pm PST for Live Updates!
This week’s live stream is going to be big, the developers have already confirmed that this is the Vox reveal stream, and that they will be showing off… Continue reading
Here are the best gameplay clips from the past couple of weeks, all on v1.2.0 (the Celeste release). You’ll find great plays by Adagio, Ardan, Koshka, Krul, Ringo, Joule,… Continue reading
Everyone has a bad game now and then. Some people get upset. Some cry, some pout, some yell, some throw things. Me? I get vengeance through what I… Continue reading