Curious what hero came out on top of the Vainglory Autumn Finals in Europe? We’ve dug through all of the draft pick data and compiled every hero’s win-ban rate, their presence in matches, and more.
Every Hero and Their Participation
The first graph for each hero (below) depicts how many games that hero won, was banned from, lost and was neither played in or banned in (absent). The second graph below each hero displays the win-ban rate vs lose rate from the matches they were in or were banned from.
Win-ban rate is useful for giving us an idea of how dominant a hero was in the competitive meta at the time of the tournament and can also show us if there are balance issues with a hero. Win-ban rate by itself isn’t that insightful, you need the context of how often the hero was played along side it, and context of how much of that win-ban rate was just bans.
Update: All instances of “absences” are one more than they should be. This was calculated with NA’s match total of 34, while EU had only 33 matches. I believe 33 is used every where else in the data, though.


Blackfeather wins the award for least popular hero in this tournament. He wasn’t played a single time.
















How’d They Do?
This graph compares all of the heroes on two stats: win-ban rate—of the matches they were in or were banned from, what percent were wins or bans, not losses— and presence—the percent of matches they were in or were banned from, compared to the total number of matches (there were 33 total matches in the Vainglory Autumn Finals). Win-ban rate lets us see how successful a hero is, and presence lets us put that into some context by showing how much mind share a hero actually received.
One thing to notice here, is that while a hero may have a high win-ban rate, that doesn’t necessarily say much about the hero’s dominance. Take a look at SAW whom has quite the win-ban rate on this graph, he was only present in 12.1% of matches. So while he won (or was banned from) most of the matches he was present in, that’s partially because he wasn’t in many matches. In addition, his win-ban rate is probably skewed higher than normal because of his low presence. The few times he was present, he was being played by teams who were very confident and skilled at playing with him.
Now we take a slightly different perspective: the win rate (not win-ban rate) compared with matches played—the percent of matches won or lost, not banned from or absent from. This allows us to ignore bans and see how much actual play a hero received. The use of win rate, over win-ban rate, should be noted here as it can often tell a very different story.
Let’s look at Koshka in particular, who only has a 53.8% win-ban rate and a 78.8% presence in the tournament. When we instead look at her win rate and matches played, we see that while she was dominant in the meta (those garnering bans), her play in the actual tournament was lack-luster. This was probably attributed to the fact that when she wasn’t banned, it was because the teams didn’t perceive her being a threat if played by the other team. As an example, a team may know their opponents do not have a notable Koshka player, so when she was played, she was likely played by players that were less skilled with her. This causes her win-rate to be below her normal win-rate.
Who Came Out on Top?
By Win-Ban Rate:
Adagio and Phinn have the highest win-ban rates, but Phinn was rarely seen in the tournament. Adagio seems like a fairly clear choice as the overall top picks. He won a total of 13 matches and was banned from another 12; his presence was only gone from 6 of the tournament’s 33 matches.
By Presence and Matches Played:
Ardan, Rona and Koshka were the most present in the tournament; although, Koshka wasn’t actually played nearly as much as Ardan and Rona were. Koshka also hovered around a 50% win-ban rate (most of which was bans), while the other two showed significantly better performance. Taking away bans though, Rona had a 67% win rate. She’s easily a contender for the second most dominant hero in this tournament.
For similar content, check out our 1.11 Tier List and read last week’s Draft Stats for the NA Finals. Also check out some other posts about the Autumn Finals and VIPL:
Dec 17, 2015 12:51 pmPlease double check your data on this. The sum of wins != sum of loses. The number of matches played was 33, not 34. Some heroes will have more than 33 because in blind pick matches both teams picked them.
I believe Catherine had 8 loses, Celeste had 4 loses, and Skaarf had 4 wins. There were several heroes where my numbers are one off from your numbers.
Dec 17, 2015 5:13 pmYou’re right about the absences being off, I thought I had changed that every where in the spreadsheet, but that must be calculated as 34 – (WINS+LOSSES+BANS) still. I’ll go about fixing this this weekend, but honestly, it’s a rather minor issue as the number of matches is 33 everywhere else in the data. So stuff like presence is calculated correctly. I’ll post an update in the article saying that “Absences is listed as one more than actual in all of the individual data.”
These images are time consuming to make with the current system of how I’ve been doing these, so fixing minor issues like this is difficult for me to prioritize. Especially since in the instance it doesn’t really change how the hero’s performance should be viewed.
As far as Catherine, Celeste and Skaarf’s individual data, I didn’t do the data collection myself. But I trust the people who collected the data for me to have gotten it correctly. I can try to review these myself, but if you can provide the instances of this being wrong that’d make me fixing potential errors a lot easier.
Dec 17, 2015 8:37 pmAgreed that the absent number doesn’t make a big difference.
I double checked my Catherine data (looked at every match I had noted she was in, and made sure she was in that match and that I had the win/lose right).
Her stats were (day-match,win/lose,team with)
1-2, lose, Rebirth of Kingdom
1-3, win, SK Gaming
1-5, lose, G2 Kinquin
1-6, lose, G2 Kinguin
1-7, win, Black Hawk
2-5, lose, Snow
2-8, lose, Black Hawk
2-9, lose, Black Hawk
2-12, lose, Black Hawk
3-1, ban
3-2, win, Media Pixel Esports
3-3, win, Rebirth of Kingdom
3-4, win, SK Gaming
3-6, win, Black Hawk
3-7, lose, Black Hawk
If you reach out to me on twitter (just followed you yesterday, the same ID as this) we can come up with a better way to check all the data.