Every few weeks there’s a stream that while I find interesting, I have a hard time recaping. This is one of those weeks. There weren’t the same huge… Continue reading
Category: Vainglory News
All news, recaps, updates, and prominent information
Hey guys, I’m going to do a little fact dump about the show matches at PAX EAST 2015. Both matches were shown on the Twitch MainStage to an… Continue reading
Hi Halcyon Foldians! I’m AdyEndrus and today I’m bringing you a quick summary of the Vainglory 1.2.0 patch update. This summary will try to make sense of the… Continue reading
So PAX East has turned out to be an amazing, reveal-filled weekend. While you may have already heard about some of the reveals, we thought it’d be nice… Continue reading
There’s a new hero on the horizon and I’ve compiled all the data currently available on her, including: statistics, abilities, tactics, and video footage. I hope this helps… Continue reading
I know you’re probably tired of boring 1v1 SAW vs SAW matches. Well, this was not one of them! Rules are: first to two kills or first turret…. Continue reading
Team Broken Myth is hosting a 2v2 tournament. Watch the action below on Saturday! Tune in for a chance to win VainGlory stickers! Details can be found… Continue reading
To celebrate the launch of BrokenMyth.net we’re doing a small giveaway. During the tournament each person who predicts the winning team before the final match starts will be… Continue reading