Joule paces the waiting room. Signs on the wall advertise cheap brake pads and color-stay paint sealants. A styrofoam cup of bland coffee sits untouched on the table… Continue reading
Update week! Hope you got your Rona skin to rock because home girl has increased blood rage and fortified health, giving her a huge boost in her brawl… Continue reading
With numerous podcasts, streamed tournaments and websites (like this one) that analyze and breakdown elite Vainglory gameplay, top players often find themselves answering the same questions. How did… Continue reading
A frequent topic on Twitter, Reddit, the forums, etc. is game balance. Which heroes are overpowered? Which heroes are underpowered? Which items are dominating the Halcyon Fold? And what can… Continue reading
In the midst of community tournaments and prior to the big Spring Season Live Championships, I’m trying out some new items for the news round up. No longer… Continue reading
Update 1.17 brought a number of balance changes, which you can read about here. Overall, the meta has shifted towards dive comps, and in a surprising turn of events,… Continue reading
This is just a quick announcement that the hero builds here at Broken Myth have been updated for 1.17. Here’s a list of changes: Many WP builds were… Continue reading
Tweets about #CoffeeWithZekentMay11 from:TeamBrokenMyth
Vox and Celeste, at the tender age of eight, sit at a folding table on their front lawn. A piece of poster board is taped to the table… Continue reading