Recently, the official subreddit experienced an outburst in posts containing screenshots of menus, gameplay, and artwork from Vainglory’s early days. We dug deep into our past resources to… Continue reading
Tag: map
Vainglory 5V5 vision increases your map awareness, and thus your knowledge of the enemy’s location and what they are doing. If you can see all five enemies on… Continue reading
The Vainglory 5V5 late game is all about taking decisive team fights to end out the match. Once two rows of turrets have fallen or both dragons are… Continue reading
The Vainglory 5V5 mid game commences when the first set of turrets falls. Backdoors, split pushing and other strategies that involve information and map position begin to flourish…. Continue reading
Vainglory 5V5 early game rotations and jungle decision making have the largest impact on the early game. Here, slight advantages are gained, expanded, and ultimately translated into kills… Continue reading
It’s small. It’s cheap. It’s powerful. And best of all… it’s FOOD. Minion Candy is the silent killer of the Halcyon Fold — an object that amplifies success when… Continue reading