With all the changes to Taka since the middle of 2015, he’s been sorely in need of a new item build that can bring him back into the… Continue reading
Category: Humor
We try to be funny, sometimes it works
We heard your feedback on the last tier list, everything from structure, to the order of heroes, to how long it took us to get it to you. To remedy this,… Continue reading
Today’s guest author hopefully needs no introduction. However, we’re going to introduce him anyways. Broken Myth’s newest guest author is the one and only SAW (AKA VaingloriousSAW on… Continue reading
Rhythm breathes through the air, intoxicating the patrons of Club Aftershox. Multicolored lights dance playfully around the gyrating bodies, reflecting off the glistening sweat of a thousand hip… Continue reading
The Lunar New Year blooms throughout the jungle, casting warm tones that speak of celebration. Two little jungle creeps can be found in their usual spot by the… Continue reading
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/161793569″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=false&show_user=false&show_reposts=false&show_artwork=false&visual=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Now this is a “lore” all about why I’m the Fold’s baddest Mage, droppin stars from the sky, Now before you… Continue reading
Ardan, Skye and Blackfeather stand ready at the platform before a game. Securing their first purchases, they give out “Cheers” pings liberally and stretch before it’s time to… Continue reading
SAW sits anxiously in an examination room. He’s wearing a hospital gown and paper mask over his standard battle mask. He squirms on the crinkly paper covering as… Continue reading
Amid the torrent of a late game team fight around Kraken, Jeff and Marty pop into existence once again. They shake off the trauma of yet another horrible… Continue reading
Early–game with an experimental team comp following the launch of 1.12, Catherine, Ardan and Phinn move together toward the jungle camp. Phinn has been holding his own against… Continue reading