This week in Vainglory News, we have the Vainglory Maxbob hero spotlight, the new Clownwalker skin, more unfortunate departures from esports, the Challenger Battles format, SEMC’s 2018 roadmap,… Continue reading
Tag: community content
This week in Vainglory News, we have the new Carnivore Grumpjaw skin, a Battle Royale event, and our recent favorite community content. Read on to see what you’ve… Continue reading
This week in Vainglory News, we have Vainglory Update 2.12 with an abundance of changes, the new Kyūdō Kestrel skin, more info on the blueprint system, a Vainglory… Continue reading
This week in Vainglory News, we have a teaser for a new hero, another glimpse into the Vainglory 5v5 map, a limited Worlds edition of the free hero… Continue reading
This week in Vainglory News, we have a new hero / skin teaser for Update 2.10, a new Cagefighter Ardan skin, and stellar community content for Vainglory 5V5…. Continue reading
This week in Vainglory News, we have the Vainglory 5V5 beta access, a new Ra’dagio skin, a Halloween cosplay contest, SEA’s Infamous Gaming being acquired by an NA… Continue reading
This week in Vainglory News, we have Scarecrow Baptiste, a bundle of Lyra skins, a new item teaser video, Churnwalker lore, news about the World’s tournament and 5V5… Continue reading