Mobile gaming has become a crowded but undeniably rewarding industry in the past five years. Founders from Super Evil Megacorp have started a new studio called Bazooka Tango… Continue reading
Tag: interview
SEMC Developer SurpriseBirthday Discusses Matchmaker, Ranked System, & More
In past interviews, we’ve chatted with players, analysts, esports owners, and even other developers! Adding to this list is SurpriseBirthday, the Chief Product Officer for SEMC. His role… Continue reading
Vainglory Update 3.8 features the biggest shakeup to the meta that we’ve ever seen. Although the sheer number of changes can be daunting, the bigger picture is now… Continue reading
In the past, we have brought you interviews with players, analysts, and even esports owners! To add to this list, we chatted with Nivmett, who has been a… Continue reading
Leading Mobile Influencer and Tribe Gaming Owner ‘Chief Pat’ Discusses His Esports Journey
Mobile gaming and esports has experienced tremendous growth over the past three years. Patrick Carney, or as most of you know him ‘Chief Pat,’ has been a frontier… Continue reading
Over the past year, Cloud9’s former analyst, physiX, has exploded onto the Vainglory scene. She has played in Vainglory8 in EU, writes strategical articles that are published by… Continue reading
Recently I was able to sit down with the legendary Michael Valore, better known as FlashX in the Vainglory community. We covered many topics, including his Vainglory career,… Continue reading
September 10, 2017 – SEMC releases their Vainglory September Developer Update In the sixth edition of the Vainglory Developer Update series, Playoffbeard interviewed four devs in a panel… Continue reading
While we wait anxiously for the next season of the Vainglory International Premier League to start up, I got the opportunity to ask Brendan “Valdes” Valdes some interview questions…. Continue reading