Tweets about #vgPAXEast16 from:TeamBrokenMyth
The word “sticky” is often thrown around in reference to heroes or items in Vainglory and other MOBAs. You may have seen us use the term here. However,… Continue reading
In the update notes for 1.16, Super Evil mentioned that they were aware the community was pleading for new roam heroes, and answered by giving short previews of two… Continue reading
I believe it was Mark Twain that said, “Reim is so OP WTF!!!!!” But then again, he was both a Glaive main and really bad at drafting. You… Continue reading
It’s barely been a month since Team Secret won at the Winter Live Championships, and we are already at the quarterfinals of the first Spring Qualifiers. Unexpectedly, there… Continue reading
This weekend will be the VaingloryLeague quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals for the 1st qualifier of the Spring 2016 season. That being said, every match this weekend will be… Continue reading
The grand hall doors burst open and Ringo struts into the room, followed haphazardly by the rest of the Fold heroes. Each files down to an assigned seat… Continue reading
With draft mode now in all ranked games, updating the draft simulator for 1.16 was much requested. It’s finally here! Now you can draft Alpha! The computer AI mode… Continue reading
Hey everyone! This is just a quick announcement that our Top Hero Builds page has been completely updated for 1.16. Here’s a brief list of changes: Skaarf “Torch”… Continue reading
This is a quick announcement to say that the Hero Tier List has been updated for Update 1.16! Click the “Hero Tier List” button in the menu bar… Continue reading