Nach einer unglaublichen Serie aus drei Spielen wurde Ardent Alliance der weltweite Champion der Vainglory International Premier League. Während der Meisterschaftsspiele und auch während der Saison zeigte Ardent… Continue reading
三场令人难以置信的比赛之后,Ardent Alliance 荣升《虚荣》国际超级联赛世界冠军。在本锦标赛和整个赛季中,Ardent Alliance 都表现出不屈不挠、灵活多变和勇于创新的品质,我认为正是这三种品质相互之间的紧密联系为他们带来了成功。让我们来简单地回顾一下几个例子。
Finale de l’IPL de Vainglory : félicitations et répercussions
Après une incroyable série de trois jeux, l’équipe Ardent Alliance est devenue championne du monde de la Vainglory International Premier League (IPL de Vainglory). Au cours de cette série de… Continue reading
치열하게 펼쳐진 결승전 3판이 끝나고 드디어 Ardent Alliance가 Vainglory International Premier League에서 최종 우승팀으로 결정되었습니다. 이번 챔피언십 경기와 시즌이 진행되는 동안 Ardent는 회복력, 다재다능함과 혁신으로 가득한 플레이를 선보였습니다…. Continue reading
What’s up, players? This is a huge week in the Fold as SEMC really rang in the new year with a spectacular dev stream this past Friday, full… Continue reading
In our second collaboration, Fightastic and Broken Myth present the top 5 plays of the the finals matches: Ardent vs. Invincible Armada. These highlights were chosen to reflect… Continue reading
[VIPL2] World Championship: Congratulations and Aftermath
Credit to Lunistia for the image After an unbelievable series of three games, Ardent Alliance has become the world champions of the Vainglory International Premier League. During this championship… Continue reading
With the VIPL finals beginning in a matter of hours, we present the top 5 plays of the the semifinal matches: WEV vs. Invincible Armada and Gankstars vs. Ardent. These plays… Continue reading
할시온 협곡에 대격돌의 진동이 울려 퍼집니다. 지난 시즌의 우승 팀인 GankStars Sirius와 Ardent Alliance의 준결승 경기에 이어 이번 시즌, 무패의 행진을 이어가고 있는 무적함대(Invincible Armada)와 Ardent Alliance가 맞붙을… Continue reading
Présentation de la finale [IPL de Vainglory 2] : Ardent Alliance contre Invincible Armada
Les fondations mêmes d’Halcyon Fold ont été ébranlées et une exclamation de surprise s’est fait entendre sur Twitter lorsque l’équipe Ardent Alliance a remporté la victoire sur l’équipe gagnante… Continue reading